Have you ever wanted to hatch your own chicks? Let us help you share in the joy and excitement of one of our favorite farm and homeschool projects!
7 & 14 Egg Options include rental of one of our self-contained and automated Brinsea Incubators, an egg candler so that you can track the eggs' development, rental of a fully equipped indoor mini-hutch for the chicks, hatching eggs, detailed instructions and any advice you may need as the project progresses.
We have a variety of hen and rooster breeds and cannot guarantee any particular breed will be hatched. That said, hybrids are known for their vigor, increased egg production and overall awesomeness!
There is no obligation to raise the chicks permanently- we will gladly incorporate them into our flock as soon as two weeks after hatching.
There is no additional charge if you choose to keep the chickens you hatch.
If you would like to keep the chickens you hatched for the summer or a set time period, we are happy to rent you a coop and to incorporate your birds into our flock when the time comes. Coops rent for $25 ($50 for more than 8 chicks/hutch) per week. Local delivery included.
Please Note: We can neither guarantee nor predict the gender of the hatchlings.
Hatch Your Flock Project
Egg Hatch Project rentals are available on a limited basis on the fifteenth of the month beginning in April and ending after September..